5 Content Marketing Tips For Beginners

This image has nothing to do with the article, but let’s be honest who likes boring stock images?!

This image has nothing to do with the article, but let’s be honest who likes boring stock images?!

Here at PULP Media, we like to keep things simple. So we’ve created a little list of some easy things most businesses can start today to get ahead on their content marketing. Now, these are all little tricks of the trade that most good agencies like us can help you with. But why not have a crack yourself right?

  1. Create a content plan & buyer personas

Failed to prepare? Well, prepare to fail! If you plan out your content and develop your buyer personas, you won’t have to come up with content on the fly. You’ll know that the topic you're writing about is keyword optimised, and focus’s on the search intent of your audience (Because you did the research!) Why is it important? In short, it means better content, with less effort. Contact us for a free buyer persona & content strategy template.

2. Re-use content you already have

 Already have a heap of content but not getting any results? Once you have created your content plan based on Hubspot’s Pillar Pages & Topic Clusters it's easy to fill the gaps with content you have already created by tweaking it to ensure keywords and search intent are considered.

3. Don’t guess your keywords

A mistake I see all of the time is that clients guess what keywords are relevant and don’t do deep enough keyword research. These days keyword research is so easy! Use tools like SEMrush's keyword magic tool to make sure you're using the right keywords! Often the right keywords will have a moderate search volume and have low competition.

4. Build Backlinks 

Backlinks are key to creating domain authority, one of the key factors when ranking on google. When you create content you want people to read it, right? Make sure you're building backlinks. Sign up for daily alerts link Source Bottle or HARO (Help A Reporter Out) so you can become a source, and start to get links from other sites pointing to your site. Backlink building services like FatJoe can provide a quick win if you're struggling. 

5. Be Patient

Organic SEO can take time to gain traction, in fact, most results on page one are at least a year old! Supplement this with paid advertising aimed at driving traffic to your site, and taper off as organic traffic builds momentum.

For help with your Content Strategy or SEO get in touch with our team to see how we can help your business get found online.

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Nic Franklin

We are a Digital Media & Content Production Agency based in Sydney and Newcastle, Australia. We create culturally relevant brand stories that resonate with something distant within us. It feels like nostalgia but it's new. We do this by taking market-leading cultural research and applying best practice strategies and production techniques to deliver content that gets stuck between your teeth. How can we help you shape culture?


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