Why is SEO important for your business?

Are you open online?

Are you open online?

Put simply, ranking on page one for the right keywords will provide your business with a regular stream of potential customers that are looking for your product. There are 3.5 billion Google searches per day, meaning every day your site isn’t being indexed on google you’re missing hundreds if not thousands (maybe millions?) of potential customers. This could be a missed opportunity for all of these potential visitors to engage with your content, buy your product or service and rave about how great you are to everyone else! Regularly spending time working on SEO basics, as well as more advanced techniques, will dramatically improve your website‟s ability to rank in the SERP (Search engine results page) and get found online by your potential customers. 

Create A Better User Experience

Often I’ll hear from clients that their site is designed with a simple and minimal UX. However they’ve often created the site only considering their own user experience. Meaning key copy and information needed to give users directions so they know what to do on their site is missing. This means people land on the site and don’t find what they’re looking for. Run a hotjar heat map of your site to see what I’m talking about! By considering good Onsite Seo Practices you’re inherently creating a good user experience as Google’s crawler bots are designed to compare the user experience on your site to every other site out there. Create a site with good SEO and you’re taking a big step towards a site with a good UX.

Find New Customers

The sole purpose of a search engine is to provide its users with the most relevant and useful information related to the search intent. So, it’s in everyone’s interest (the search engine, the user, and you the business) to ensure that your website is ranking high up on page one in the organic search listings. I would suggest that it is probably best to stay away from paid search all together until you feel you have a firm grasp on your niche and key buyer personas, so that you’re not wasting money marketing to someones who is never going to buy your product or service. If you do have strong buyer personas, it is a good idea to use paid search to supplement your site traffic while your SEO efforts are getting your site indexed in search results. 

Outperform Paid Search

Often the question that comes with SEO is, what about paid search? Sure, you can pay to have your website listed at the top of the SERP for your keywords and topics. However, running paid search campaigns can be extremely expensive and unsuccessful if you don’t know what you’re doing. Not only this, paying to be at the top of page one of the SERP is addictive, and your business could soon be reliant on large AdWords spending if you’re not implementing an effective SEO strategy. According to HubSpot, about 88% of search engine users don’t click on paid search ads anyway, because they want the “real” answers that appear organically.

Reduce Your Reliance On Paid Ads

So often clients come to us with the same problem. Their CPC ads have started dropping off, and they need to spend more and more money to get results. The analogy I like to use is that CPC ads are like performance enhancing drugs. Sure they’ll make you run, jump and hit harder. However if you become reliant on the drugs over time their effect will diminish, and you’ll be addicted to seeing the high traffic numbers, yet disappointed with the results. SEO is the hard work you need to do to ensure your site performs regardless of whether you're spending money on ads. If your site has great SEO you’ll also know which products perform well organically, and can set measurable and effective benchmarks for your CPC advertising strategies. In a best case scenario, you would build your site with good SEO and continue to grow your organic reach in conjunction with a targeted CPC campaign.

These are just a few of the reasons why SEO is good for your business. At the end of the day, if your business does well offline in the real world, there is no reason it shouldn’t do well online. Create an effective online presence by getting your SEO right. If you need help with growing your presence online, get in touch with us via our contact form.

Nic Franklin

We are a Digital Media & Content Production Agency based in Sydney and Newcastle, Australia. We create culturally relevant brand stories that resonate with something distant within us. It feels like nostalgia but it's new. We do this by taking market-leading cultural research and applying best practice strategies and production techniques to deliver content that gets stuck between your teeth. How can we help you shape culture?


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