
BlokeVote is a Market Research agency that specifically focuses on Bloke categories. The brand, website & messaging had become outdated due to neglect over the past 10 years. Post-Covid it was time for a revamp and to get back into the mind of potential clients.


Position BlokeVote as the thought leader on Bloke behaviour and insight by using the panel to generate real insights on relevant and timely topics. Tighten up and Professionalise the brand and website to appeal more to corporate clients and generate leads.

Use leading industry publications to quickly make BlokeVote the thought leader on Blokes in the industry.


Pt 1 - We modernised the BlokVote Brand & Website to reflect a more modern agency style. From here we used the Bloke panel to generate a bunch of articles featuring insights that would appeal to the brands we were targeting. This allowed us a soft way to share content with relevant stakeholders from the featured brands.

Pt 2 - Once we’d exhausted the data from the panel research, we collated the articles into a report to celebrate 10 years of BlokeVote. This was also shared in B&T, which allowed us to once again soft share content to warm leads.


  • 5 B&T Articles

  • Projects With Targetted Global Organisations

  • New Website, Brand & Tone of Voice

Nic Franklin

We are a Digital Media & Content Production Agency based in Sydney and Newcastle, Australia. We create culturally relevant brand stories that resonate with something distant within us. It feels like nostalgia but it's new. We do this by taking market-leading cultural research and applying best practice strategies and production techniques to deliver content that gets stuck between your teeth. How can we help you shape culture?

Case Study: LOESS


Case Study: Krool Jewels